Add More Creepy Creatures To Your Necromunda Games Soon

January 11, 2023 by brennon

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Games Workshop and Forge World continue to impress with their array of releases for Necromunda. More beasts await with a new Nomad Herder bringing a strange creepy crawlie into the mix for your games out there in the Ash Wastes.

Herder & Duneskuttler - Necromunda

Herder & Duneskuttler // Necromunda

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The Nomad Herders are experts of their craft and have become one with the beasts that they command. They are able to unleash deadly creatures like the Duneskuttler at their foes and don't mind getting stuck in themselves either should the need arise.

Ash Wastes Nomad Herder - Necromunda

Ash Wastes Nomad Herder // Necromunda

You might notice that they have also made use of the leftovers of their previous pets. That blade is made out of the chitinous material and is probably pretty decent at delivering a killing blow.

Arthromite Duneskuttlers - Necromunda

Arthromite Duneskuttlers // Necromunda

As you can see, the Arthromite Duneskuttlers is no stranger to butchery and is aided by all of those big claws and teeth plus that brutal stinger. I really want to do a bug hunt-style scenario where two warbands of Ash Wastes Nomads are trying to find the biggest beast in the wasteland to add to their menagerie. You could have some fun as loads of beasts from the brood burst out of holes in the landscape and start dragging gangers off into the darkness.

These miniatures will be coming soon from Forge World so watch this space!

"I really want to do a bug hunt-style scenario where two warbands of Ash Wastes Nomads are trying to find the biggest beast in the wasteland..."

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