Grab The Complete The Last War Set From Wargames Atlantic

September 18, 2024 by brennon

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If you missed it, don't forget to go and check out the complete The Last War set that you can scoop up from Wargames Atlantic. This set comes with the rules for the game by Will Rahman-Daultrey plus plastic kits and upgrade sprues from Wargames Atlantic so you can get playing right out of the box in this Weird War One setting.

The Last War Collection - Wargames Atlantic

The Last War Collection // Wargames Atlantic

This set comes with the full Forbidden Psalm: The Last War Rule Book alongside a full set of game tokens that you'll need during your battles. You will also get twenty-five plastic miniatures spread across World War I British, Germans, Russians and French. These are all miniatures that you'll have seen from Wargames Atlantic as part of past releases.

There are also two Weird War One Conversion Frames which come with gribbly bits like ROUSes and Huge Maggots which play a big part in The Last War. There are also conversion bits for heads and arms (plus tentacles) so you can convert your Last War soldiers.

Weird World One Conversion Sprue - Wargames Atlantic

Weird World One - Conversion Sprue // Wargames Atlantic

I like the trench raider tools and the slightly tweaked helmet/head designs which help to give that sense of the weird and the uncanny to the world of The Last War. Based on the Forbidden Psalm game system which in turn is linked to the MORK BORG RPG, you've got a quick and easy set of game mechanics to latch onto here, giving you the perfect opportunity to dive into the vibes of this Weird War One game.

The Last War Rules - Will Rahman-Daultrey

The Last War Rules // Will Rahman-Daultrey

If you need more convincing, here's some of the background to The Last War...

"The Great War, World War, War to End all Wars, the only true name it has is the Last War, for now remains not enough people to fight another. The War ended not with a bang but a cough and splutter. The disease that took hold spread far and wide. Few survived the fever and filth. With so few humans left those that dwelled in the night took up the arms of man to fight over what was left. Those scattered beings hunt the trenches of the last war for scraps, salvage and weapons."

Much like with This Quar's War, this is a great opportunity to dive into a smaller Indie game as part of a complete collection featuring miniatures and rules gubbins. Hopefully, we'll get to dive into this game on the tabletop soon ourselves and tell you what it's like!

What do you make of this new set?

"Much like with This Quar's War, this is a great opportunity to dive into a smaller Indie game as part of a complete collection..."

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