A Closer Look At Ragnarok’s Trollheim Kickstarter Miniatures!

August 28, 2024 by brennon

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Colin of Ragnarok Miniatures has previewed more miniatures coming to the Trollheim Kickstarter, which will be live next week! See what you make of these excellent Norse-inspired Trolls for use in your 28mm Fantasy wargames.

Rukkers - Ragnarok Miniatures

Rukkers // Ragnarok Miniatures

A good mixture of different miniatures will be available during the campaign. You're going to be able to pick up Trolls that would fit into your Norse-themed adventures on the tabletop but also others that would slot in really nicely with Tolkienesque adventures on the tabletop. They have a classic Fantasy look which should mean they work with a lot of other Fantasy ranges out there.

Bovvers - Ragnarok Miniatures

Bovvers // Ragnarok Miniatures

As you can see, there are some unarmoured Trolls with a mixture of hammers and spears as well as their hide shields that they have fashioned. If you want to go a little more fearsome, you can also pick up the Stahlsons who come in heavy armour.

Stahlsons - Ragnarok Miniatures

Stahlsons // Ragnarok Miniatures

You'll note some inspiration from the work by Angus McBride in the collection which sets off those nostalgia sensors. I could see those armoured Stahlsons smashing their way through the gates of Minas Tirith, crashing into terrified ranks of Gondorian defenders.

For those wanting a more classically Norse vibe to their Trolls, you can also pick up the Pinebutts.

Pinebutts - Ragnarok Miniatures

Pinebutts // Ragnarok Miniatures

These fellows look like they have been pulled from Norse mythology. I like the big ears which give them a more fey appearance. You could also see these hunting down Trollhunters in the modern day. Make sure you take off that crucifix.

Ragnarok 8: Trollheim will be live as a Kickstarter campaign next week. Do you have a set that you'll be snapping up after seeing this preview? Don't forget to also check out more from the Ragnarok Miniatures range on the Gripping Beast website.

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"They have a classic Fantasy look which should mean they work with a lot of other Fantasy ranges out there..."

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