Clobber Your Foes With Willy Miniatures’ New Orc Team
June 15, 2020 by brennon
Willy Miniatures has taken to Kickstarter this week with their campaign to bring a new Orc Team to the tabletop for your Fantasy Football games.
Check Out The Campaign Here
The selection of monstrous football players here would be grand for those who like clobbering their opponents and don't really give two hoots about the ball. Your opponent can't win if they have been smashed into the turf right? Here is a breakdown of the different options within the team.
Orc Team Linemen
Orc Team Blitzers
Orc Team Throwers
Orc Team Black Orcs
Orc Team Troll
There is a nice mix of different styles here in terms of the way the team has been built. You've got some classic Warhammer-esque players as part of the team with also a few nods towards different Fantasy styles like that of World Of Warcraft. I like that the Troll is very different and this fellow comes with a maw chock full of teeth! I could see these being fun and brutish addition to your collection if you're a Fantasy Football fan.
Maybe you could paint these particular Orcs in a different style and look beyond the green? Imagine these Orks in a tan colour or perhaps something entirely differently like purple!
What do you think of these miniatures?
"Maybe you could paint these particular Orcs in a different style and look beyond the green?"
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Those are really nice. I would love to add those to my Orc team.
they look fabulous but don’t play any of the bloodball games.
Good sculpts but I like the aesthetic of the GW team. This reads to me as if D&D orcs were ported over to BB. The troll would need some oddball bits and an actual nose to fit better for my taste but this is a coherent style. I doff my cap to the artists.
These are ok, but Greebo are also releasing their own BB Orcs (“Vicious Wildfire”) in a few days on kickstarter. Can find the KS link on their website, hopefully OTT do an article on them when they come out! They are a bit more true to the original style and scale, and are releasing in metal AND resin.