The Children Of The Empire Rise In New Legend Of The Five Rings Expansion

October 18, 2018 by cassn

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The land of Rokugan is shifting. Where once there was balance in the elements, there is now chaos. And where once there was peace amongst the Great Clans, there is now conflict. Though mending this wound in the world is of the utmost importance, a monumental edict from Hantei XXXVIII will once again shift the course of history, and it will fall to the children of the empire to find a peaceful way forward for the Emerald Empire.

Children of the Empire is the latest Premium Expansion for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game. Unlike other expansions, Premium Expansions do not focus on a specific clan, but rather they develop themes and mechanics within the game which provide rewards for all players.


There are 234 new cards in this latest Children of the Empire expansion, focusing on the theme of honor. Composure is a new mechanic which is achieved by having a lower honor bid than your opponent. Having composure activates special skills on certain cards, thereby preventing cards from being discarded or losing fate.


However, some clans such as the Scorpion clan may find it hard to gain composure through traditional means as they rely on high-honor bids. To combat this, cards such as The Social Puppeteer are designed to counteract this disadvantage, allowing you to switch honor dials with your opponent during a conflict.


However, Children of the Empire is not merely focused around this new Composure mechanic, and great emphasis is also placed on duels. Children of the Empire streamlines the dueling mechanic, and each clan is now provided with a new Duelist character to join their ranks; characters who will seek to initiate duels during conflicts.


Children of the Empire also pays homage to the history of Rokugan by introducing several cards which feature snapshots of key events which have unfolded during the history of the game. Finally, there are also multiple neutral cards focusing on the Hantei dynasty, including a new version card of Akodo Toturi.lofr5

Children of the Empire is a comprehensive expansion for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game and introduces some really interesting mechanic changes. Fantasy Flight Games have announced the release date for early 2019, but fans of the game can pre-order from their website today!

Do you play Legend of the Five Rings and, if so, do you like this latest expansion? Tell us below!

"There are 234 new cards in this latest Children of the Empire expansion, focusing on the theme of honor."

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