Chibi + Dice Game = Black-Handed Henry’s Potion Party
June 22, 2015 by deltagamegirl22
Ninja Division and Soda Pop Miniatures have announced more chibi goodness on the horizon with a new dice game this August! Black-Handed Henry's Potion Party is a dice game for 2-4 players that plays with the dice system from Super Dungeon Explore.
Players assume the role of a captured alchemist, trying to complete Captain Henry’s potion before the others. And as always, the baddies will be trying their best to foil the plan.
This stand-alone, dice game comes complete with a full set of 16 Super Dungeon game dice, a rules booklet, 8 unique Alchemist cards featuring new and exciting characters, and 8 unique potion recipe cards - and all of this featuring the chibi style we love from the Super Dungeon world.
Will you be trying your hand as a Super Dungeon Alchemist this August?
"This quick and clever dice game from Ninja Division and Soda Pop Miniatures features the dice from the Super Dungeon world..."
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It’s the extra SDE dice that tempt me most.
Lol I thought that as well! It’s a win/win when things can be repurposed.
That looks neat.