Check Out Insane Amount Of Unlocks For Wild West Exodus!
March 5, 2015 by brennon
Unfinished Business is going well on Kickstarter for Wild West Exodus and it looks like there is plenty more gold up in them there hills. Considering the insane amount of unlocks they've got we thought we'd try and compile them here so see what you think!
All of the above characters and units have been unlocked for the various factions within the game and as you can see there is quite the wide selection of options for you to pick from. Some of these come free with the various faction bundles as well so you will want to pick carefully when considering which to go for. I personally like the look of the Watchers and the Confederates as they have both that utterly out there charm and a bit of the alternate history when considering the Confederates.
Above are some of the additional unlocks that are yet to come including the big Marie Laveau & Nazombie set that we saw artwork for in the previews for this campaign. Ben Hamilton is looking rather dashing and there's yet another cool option for the Watchers in there too with the Scarab.
Last but not least we have Jim Peterson who will leave you Dead in a Pool of your own blood when he's finished with you. He's loaded up with guns and has a bad attitude to boot. Can't wait to see what this chap ends up looking like miniatures wise; and he deserves a legendary version too.
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"...characters and units have been unlocked for the various factions within the game and as you can see there is quite the wide selection of options for you to pick from"
"I personally like the look of the Watchers and the Confederates as they have both that utterly out there charm and a bit of the alternate history when considering the Confederates"
It is Jim Petersen not Peterson. … not that I am not use to my family name getting butchered with an O
that is a correct way to spell Petersen,
And I personaly blame BoW for my financial ruin! Got a pledge in on this because of the WWX week…and because it only is the new stuff in the KS (witch I find great…Outlaw wants to protect there partners that helped them get startet and not use KS as a sales plattform…nice touch!) I had to order the Rulebook and the Starter-Set right away…oh…and all the novels…I am a fluff guy after all 🙂
take it the merc is meant to look like deadpool? or am I just hoping
It is another nod to a community member… Only need 5 more backers to unlock him for most pledges… Also the WIP Stat Cards for the bosses and some of the sidekicks have been shown on the KS and Facebook… very nice indeed! More cards will surface this evening!
I’m torn as to whether to paint the new unlock as deadpool or Rorschach
Maybe I’ll pledge for a second and do both
I’m curious as to what the advantage of going KS actually is. The Greenhorn pledge seems great, until you realize the starter box can be bought now for £64, while pledging means I pay £88 and wait till August. The cards and 2 minis which are included pretty much eat up the £24 I’d save by going retail, and I’m not that fused about those. I don’t see any additional unlocks in the works which would effect Greenhorn either.
Aren’t you supposed to get a better deal by backing a KS?