Check Out Crooked Dice’s Creepy New Children Of The Fields Previews

February 20, 2018 by brennon

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Crooked Dice are going to be coming to Kickstarter in May with their Children Of The Fields range...and they are rather creepy, even though inherently they're not monstrous! Take a look.

Mast Beasts - Crooked Dice

First off we have the work of Steve Saleh on these Mast Beasts. These are possibly the scariest of their additions to the range and you could imagine them wandering through the fields with sickles at the ready.

Not quite as overtly scary; we also have the Mummers.

Mummers - Crooked Dice

While they might not immediately strike you as some deadly organisation out to get you, these models sculpted by Bill Thornhill and Andrew May are made all the weirder because of it. It's like clowns surely. They look all happy and wonderful and yet want to beat you to death with their clubs!

Last but not least we have the Huntsmen sculpted by Steve Saleh once again.

Huntsmen - Crooked Dice

All of these models are more than likely just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what awaits in their new project. It will be very interesting to see how this collection develops and what games people put together using them.

What do you think of the latest previews?

"It's like clowns surely. They look all happy and wonderful and yet want to beat you to death with their clubs!"

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