Check Out An Awesome Abomination For Para Bellum’s Conquest
March 9, 2018 by brennon
Para Bellum Wargames have dropped another awesome painting miniature in our laps today as they showed off the mighty Abomination painted up by Markus Stroh for Conquest.
The Abomination is one of the creepiest models for the Clones of The Spire and as you can see it's a mash-up of both beautiful looking sculpting and monstrous power. I really like that despite the warped muscles and such, the face still has that serene look to it as it tears you limb from limb.
Massive kudos have to go to Markus Stroh for his painting once again though too, especially when you look at the back of the model and the intricate detail he has worked into the carapace of the Abomination.
The model is looking great, and it really does tower above everything else on the tabletop. Make sure to check out more of our Para Bellum Conquest content HERE as we've got Let's Plays and more for you to delve into.
Abomination Lore!
If you want to find out what it's like coming up against one of these beasts, take a peek at some lore from the guys at Para Bellum...
Do you think you're going to be siding with The Spire and their Clone army when it comes to Conquest or will you be battling against them as part of the Hundred Kingdoms?
Drop your thoughts below!
"I really like that despite the warped muscles and such, the face still has that serene look to it as it tears you limb from limb..."
Wow this looks fabulous and a bit Geigery looking.
That is a very impressive paint job. The contrast in the colours is very striking, and the brown staining over the green works brilliantly. The model is excellent, of course. I have seen one other painter pose theirs in a less static stance, so it appears there will be some variety in how you can put these together.
I’m hoping they show some more models and art for the Norse soon.
Me too. I’ve been very pleased with their vision for a Norse faction so far
Also mate, I have one of these for promotional purposes and can confirm that all the joints are ball and socket so yes, fully posable.
I think I’ll be doing both 😀 for 80euros the two player set is a no brainer at 1euro per model… Including the Abomination! No brainer… That’s not even considering the rules, movement trays etc aswell. June can’t come soon enough for me
Paint job is great….but somehow the static pose is not doing it for me….no sense of motion…and no vibe of a massiv threat there for me…just a hugh model that looks like its sleepwalking 🙁
It’s fully posable with all ball joints. It can be built how you want. Mine is lunging forward and swing in with one arm
Thats a good to hear…would have been a real letdown otherwise! Lookes so nice in most everything else 🙂
Oh…and the liked website has still nothing more then “comming soon” 🙁
Main news page whilst the website is under construction is
Thank you for the info…just no FB for me 🙂