Grab Your Cave Bears & Cannons For Burrows & Badgers

May 4, 2023 by brennon

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Oathsworn Miniatures, now they're past Salute 2023, have added their newest miniatures to their webstore for those seeking to add to their Burrows & Badgers collection. We start off with the Great Cave Bear which was the focus of the participation game they played at the event.

Giant Cave Bear #1 - Burrows & Badgers

Giant Cave Bear // Burrows & Badgers

This is a rather large miniature coming in at 110mm! It is a big resin piece that comes with a separate weapon arm, legs and body. It shouldn't take too much extra work to get it all assembled but you might want to break out the greenstuff just in case. As you can see, the miniature looks pretty darn awesome when painted up and whilst I doubt it's going to make it into many warbands, it would be a fun miniature to use in a variety of different scenarios.

Giant Cave Bear #2 - Burrows & Badgers

Giant Cave Bear // Burrows & Badgers

If you're interested in learning about the rules for the Giant Cave Bear, you can actually get them for free as part of the latest (and updated) Oathsworn Journal. In most cases, the Bear is never going to be added alongside the rest of your normal warband but it does have a behaviour chart and a selection of different stat lines depending on how angry, wounded or generally peeved it is by your presence.

That Oathsworn Journal also contains rules for adding Tunneljacks and Artillery to your games of Burrows & Badgers. Both of the additional sets of miniatures are also available separately from the folks at Oathsworn from the Mole Alchemist through to the enterprising Tunneljacks themselves.

Artillery Team - Burrows & Badgers

Artillery Team // Burrows & Badgers

Tunneljacks - Burrows & Badgers

Tunneljacks // Burrows & Badgers

You can find all of these miniatures in the Miniatures Section of their webstore. The Artillery is, again, going to be fun for objective play but you could run a properly themed warband with those Tunneljacks. You've got a good mix of different creature types to play with and a variety of fun weapons that are in no way going to blow up in your face.

With such interesting sculpts popping up from the folks at Oathsworn, it will be fun to see where they go next. It should be noted that the folks behind Oathsworn are currently on holiday and will be returning later in May. That gives you some time to work out what you want to buy next!

Will you be picking up these new miniatures?

" could run a properly themed warband with those Tunneljacks"

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