The British Soldiers Are Here From Wargames Factory!

June 5, 2014 by brennon

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Wargames Factory have released their American War of Independence British Infantry set for you to pick up! Maybe you can re-fight the battles of the period and keep America in the firm grasp of the Empire?

British Infantry

British Infantry Painted

As you can see they look pretty awesome! In the set you get enough bits and pieces to make thirty miniatures. You'll be able to make twenty four troopers, two officers, two standards, two drummers and and a sergeant. All the parts are also interchangeable with the rest of their upcoming range so you can make some more ragtag looking British soldiers if you like!

Sprue #1

Sprue #2

Taking a look at the sprues it seems like Wargames Factory have got things pretty down this time around. Gone are the craning necks of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings!

Will you be starting your own War of Independence?

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