Brass Monkey Working On New John Blanche Miniatures

January 23, 2024 by brennon

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Brass Monkey Games' James Sherriff has announced that he is going to be working on a new series of 32mm miniatures based on the artwork of John Blanche who recently moved on from Games Workshop.

John Blanche Witch Hunters - Brass Monkey

John Blanche - Witch Hunters // Brass Monkey

The artwork comes from John Blanche and the above preview is a first look at the initial miniature for the range. There will be more for these 'Witch Hunters' soon as part of a Kickstarter that will help fund the production of the first group of miniatures.

More details are coming soon about the project but I am all for this. James Sherriff does amazing sculpting and John Blanche is a legendary artist. So, combining the two seems like it will provide us with some gorgeous grimdark miniatures.

We'll be keeping an eye out for the project when it lands!

"There will be more for these 'Witch Hunters' soon as part of a Kickstarter that will help fund the production of the first group of miniatures..."

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