Boba Fett Movie In The Works By James Mangold

May 26, 2018 by brennon

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James Mangold, the Director behind the rather superb outing for Wolverine that was Logan, is going to be at the helm of the new Boba Fett movie spin-off. It seems like the Star Wars movie franchise is really spinning up the gears now.

Boba Fett Art

Of course, it's too early to know where the story might go, but Mangold proved he knew what he was doing when he got the gritty and tough world of Logan right on screen. Hopefully, we get ourselves a film which doesn't just focus on how Boba Fett links into the main Star Wars story but instead looks beyond this to some more of his side jobs and what turned him into the Bounty Hunter he is in the original trilogy.

One of the criticisms levelled against Solo has been that it's not so much an origin story of how he came to be the Scoundrel we know and love, but how 'a man got the stuff he owns' which seems quite apt.

I hope that as we look towards more of these 'Star Wars Stories' we'll see them looking to do less cashing in, and more storytelling, developing the wider (and incredibly deep) world of Star Wars.

Boba Fett just has to be cool...please Gods make him cool!

"...we'll see them looking to do less cashing in, and more storytelling, developing the wider (and incredibly deep) world of Star Wars"

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