Build Up Your Billmen Regiment With Medbury Miniatures

November 29, 2023 by brennon

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Medbury Miniatures added some new Historical miniatures to their webstore recently in 28mm scale. If you're looking to build up the core of your Medieval force then how about these Billmen and their commanders?

Medieval Commanders - Medbury Miniatures

Medieval Commanders // Medbury Miniatures

Leading the way, we have the characters themselves. There are two sets for you to choose from with the Medieval Commanders (armed with sword and shield) and then the Hornblower And Banner Bearer.

Medieval Hornblower And Banner Bearer - Medbury Miniatures

Medieval Hornblower And Banner Bearer // Medbury Miniatures

There's a really nice mix of details within the sculpts featuring leather, padded armour and chainmail. I like the fellow pointing the sword although the other chap's moustache might mean that he "wins" when it comes to who comes out in front. I also have a soft spot for horn blowers and I think that this fellow in the set above is great!

When it comes to the Billmen themselves, you can either get the Regiment as a whole (see below) which introduces some of the character miniatures alongside the regular soldiers or you can buy them in individual sets if you just want to bolt them onto an existing army.

Billmen Regiment - Medbury Miniatures

Billmen Regiment // Medbury Miniatures

This set comes with appropriate wire spears and then you also get some bonus billheads if you want to run with that option instead. I think they look great and they might work particularly well alongside some of the figures from the likes of Antediluvian Miniatures.

With a couple of these sets, you could bulk out a pretty awesome army of Medieval soldiers and you'd just need some mounted fellows and archers to give you the three core elements of your force.

Could you be tempted by these new Billmen and their leaders?

" about these Billmen and their commanders?"

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