Battlegroup Helios Show Off New Prints For Their Corvette Ships
May 19, 2015 by brennon
Battlegroup Helios have shown off some of the early prints for their Corvette Ships that will become a part of their larger fleet range soon. These are still in need of a bit of tender love and care but they are close to become set for production...
I think these are some neat looking ships with a cool design that harks back to the design of the ships from Battlefleet Gothic but has a bit more of a sleek look to it. There are a lot of ships and ship games coming out for the Sci-Fi market it seems so if you were ever wondering about where to begin when it came to buying models you've suddenly got a lot of choice.
What do you think?
"I think these are some neat looking ships with a cool design that harks back to the design of the ships from Battlefleet Gothic..."
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Looking good, but between Hawk and Spartan. .. you need more than looking good to not fall into the “also ran” group
Agreed, with the way HWG and Spartan blew Dropship and Halo out of the water, other companies are going to have their work cut out for them.
well, these are stylistically quite similar to models from the specific, out of print game that “inspired” them, and there still seems to be a market for that specific game. It is quite possible that this company is happily satisfied to work within that niche.
I might buy some for my BFG fleet