Atomic Mass Games Refreshing Star Wars: Legion Rules

July 19, 2024 by brennon

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Atomic Mass Games this week talked in-depth about refreshing Star Wars: Legion, their 28mm scale Sci-Fi game set in the Star Wars universe. The rules are getting quite an overhaul and Atomic Mass Games talked about this at length in a new article on their website.

Star Wars Legion - Atomic Mass Games

Star Wars: Legion // Atomic Mass Games

Atomic Mass Games talked at length in their update about addressing the complexity of the rules, the way that units work and their uniqueness on the battlefield. They are also addressing the role different units play on the battlefield and how scenarios and missions have been changed.

The article goes into way more depth than I can discuss here but it explores the expanding size of units, changes to cover, updates on the role of characters to make them feel more heroic and a redress of the balance when it comes to the method in which you dive into your missions.

This also comes with a big update on the rules resources for Star Wars: Legion which can be found below...

Star Wars: Legion Rules & Organised Play

Check out the updates and then let us know in the comments what you think about the plans from Atomic Mass Games. It also looks like we might be getting some new miniatures in the near future!

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"This also comes with a big update on the rules resources for Star Wars: Legion..."

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