Moonstone Shows Off Art For Agatha Tavernfrau
July 11, 2016 by deltagamegirl22
What fantasy game worth it's salt does not include a tavern and the folks that frequent it?
That is precisely the angle that Moonstone was coming from when they dreamed up the lovely Agatha Tavernfrau.
Moonstone has been feverishly working away on their WIP skirmish miniatures game, and Agatha is the latest character to evolve. Agatha's hobbies include: Excessive drinking, dancing on tables and breaking the skulls (not to mention the hearts) of inebriated fools. Don't you just love her already?
It's not just the art that they're showing off, the art, she's got a character card already as well.
If you haven't already checked out the Moonstone website, you can have a look at the beta rules and characters for the developing game.
What do you think of the lovely tavernfrau, Agatha?
"It's not just the art that they're showing off, the art, she's got a character card already as well..."
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the mushrooms are interesting.