Anvil Sync Up To Their AFTERLIFE Protos Drone

August 6, 2015 by brennon

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If you like the idea of not having to do a lot of the fighting yourself in games of AFTERLIFE by Anvil Industry then see what you make of the Protos Battle Drone which can be synced up to characters like Natalya Federici to protect her in a firefight...

Protos Drone

The Protos Drone is something a little bit different for the Anvil crew as it's a different kind of hardware in the game. Everything else they have made has had a bit of the 'robot' about it which this takes on a more 'human' look.

You can see what it looked like a few days ago below without the additional work...

Protos WIP

I think the current look is fantastic and it's neat to see it has multiple weapons for all kinds of scenarios. The shoulder mounted cannons give it ranged threat while the blade can be used in close combat if someone gets too close to Natalya.

Will you be getting one?

"The shoulder mounted cannons give it ranged threat while the blade can be used in close combat..."

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