Air, Land, & Sea Gets Three New Theatres In Standalone Expansion

April 29, 2022 by fcostin

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There is a new expansion making way from Arcane Wonders for the card game Air, Land & Sea. Adding three new theatres of intrigue, players will be taking a look at some Spies, Lies, and Supplies in the upcoming standalone expansion.

Air Land And Sea Spies Lies and Supplies - Arcane Wonder

Air, Land, & Sea Spies, Lies, & Supplies // Arcane Wonders

Coming on May 18th, players will have the opportunity to expand their game of Air, Land, & Sea into three new theatres, Intelligence, Diplomacy, and Economics.

There are three different ways for you to play the game. Whether you just want to play this pack, You could add this into your Core Game, and choose from a larger combination of theatres - creating even more versatile gameplay such as Sea, Land, and Diplomacy, or Intelligence, Economics, and Land. Or you could try your hands at Epic Mode, juggling all five theatres from both boxes.

Air Land And Sea - Arcane Wonder

Air Land And Sea // Arcane Wonders

If you have never played Air, Land, & Sea before - this is a two-player title I highly recommend. Players are thrust into the role of General whose main goal is to strategically plan the most effective locations for deployment over forces. Focussing on three different theatres for conflict; air, land, and sea. Players will aim to control two out of three to win the battle, but... winning the battle does not always mean winning the war!

Air Land And Sea Arcane Wonders

Gameplay Preview // Air, Land, & Sea

At the start of a round, both players will receive six cards that make up their forces. Then, as General, it is down to the player to organize this layout in a strategic order to create an effective battle output.

Adding the three new theatres will certainly change up the game style! Not just focussing on the output of war across air, land & sea, but focusing on other crucial factors that must be accounted for during strategy. I love the option to be able to play this expansion as a standalone, It would be a great idea to learn each theatre in a game on their own before expanding to a multi-theatre game.

The game is set to be released on May 18th, so if you are keen on adding a deeper dimension to your game of Air, Land & Sea with some alternative theatres of battle - be sure to check out the release of Air, Land & Sea Spies, Lies & Supplies.

Would you opt for a peaceful strategy with Diplomacy? Me, I would at least try...

"There are three different ways for you to play the game."

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