1898 Miniaturas Unleash Their Visigoths On The Battlefield

September 16, 2024 by brennon

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1898 Miniaturas have now added their range of 28mm Visigoths to their webstore, taking their collection in a new direction! You can get yourself some 6th-8th Century warriors for rampaging across battlefields in the likes of SAGA.

Visigoths - 1898 Miniaturas

Visigoths // 1898 Miniaturas

The first three sets that they have designed for the game consist of a Warlord or Chieftain as well as two packs of Armoured Warriors. This could be your Hearthguard, Spatarii, Wardens or Leudes that get slotted into your warband.

Visigoth Warlord - 1898 Miniaturas

Visigoth Warlord // 1898 Miniaturas

The Warlord comes in a rather powerful, mean stance. He is certainly starting down one of his enemies, perhaps issuing a challenge. He could also have just cut down the opposing champion and as his foe lies bleeding on the ground, he is staring as his warriors rush past him.

Visigoth Armoured Warriors I - 1898 Miniaturas

Visigoth Armoured Warriors I // 1898 Miniaturas

The Armoured Visigoth Warriors then come with a selection of swords, spears, seaxes and axes. There are two different sets for you to choose from, split across two packs of four which is pretty perfect for SAGA.

Visigoth Armoured Warriors II - 1898 Miniaturas

Visigoth Armoured Warriors II // 1898 Miniaturas

These warriors come clad in their chainmail and lamellar armour as well as some Visigoth-style helmets. There are plans for 1898 Miniaturas to also work on two packs of Unarmoured Visigoth Warriors as well which will represent Bucelarii or Sayones. There will also be a character, Pelayo who will come on foot and horseback.

The current crop of Visigoths is looking great and it will be fun to see how the range expands. I can see some folks getting a new SAGA warband written up right now to use these!

What do you make of these Visigoths?

"There are plans for 1898 Miniaturas to also work on two packs of Unarmoured Visigoth Warriors..."

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