1806 Prussian Cavalry Ride Into Perry Miniatures’ Collection

November 25, 2021 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures has shown off some brand new Prussian Cavalry for the period of 1806. If you're eager to snap up some Dragoons and Cuirassiers then you're in for a treat! So, pretty good for your Napoleonics.

1806 Prussian Cuirassiers And Dragoons - Perry Miniatures

1806 Prussian Cuirassiers And Dragoons // Perry Miniatures

There are loads of different options to choose from which have now been built into the Prussian collection. Each of the miniatures is a 28mm metal figure that can be used to represent the resplendent cavalry and officers ready to do their bit.

Cuirassier Command Galloping - Perry Miniatures

Cuirassier Command Galloping // Perry Miniatures

There are loads of Cuirassiers and Dragoons that are galloping into battle. Additionally, plenty of the options come with either Square Saddleclothes or Rounded Saddleclothes. So, if you want some minute variety within your collection you do have that!

Dragoon Command Galloping - Perry Miniatures

Dragoon Command Galloping // Perry Miniatures

All of these Prussian offerings and loads more are available HERE. The Perry twins have always done superb work when it comes to the Napoleonic era and it seems like a solid way to start adding more character and depth to your forces.

Are you going to be snapping these up?

"The Perry twins have always done superb work when it comes to the Napoleonic era..."

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