15mm Stuart M3 Honey Released By The Plastic Soldier Company

August 24, 2017 by thisisazrael

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After teasing us for about four months, The Plastic Soldier Company has confirmed that their 15mm Stuart M3 "Honey" light tank is fully released and in the process of being shipped.

The Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Stuart M3 Honey Light Tank

The kit comes with five models and each sprue also has a British and US tank commander for you to choose from.

The Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Stuart M3 Honey Light Tank Combinations

One thing that blew me away was the level of customisation available to suit the early, mid or late production of the tank, which means you can ensure it suits the theatre appropriately be it in the Pacific, Tunisia and Italy for example.

Each of the colour sections above will help to guide you to modelling the perfect tank for your setting.

What do you think of the variety available in this kit?

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