10 Year Old Ethan Erickson Launches Magicka Mayhem Card Game

March 22, 2016 by brennon

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You don't see this every day. Ten year old Ethan Erikson with the help of his Dad has launched a Kickstarter for the Magicka Mayhem Card Game. This has been done with the full blessing and support of Paradox who created the video game and it's going great guns on Kickstarter...

Magicka Mayhem

The crazy card game is meant to be all about casting weird and wonderful spells...

"You can rain fiery death on your mortal enemies, protect yourself (or those luckiest enough to call you 'friend') using Elemental Shields or heal yourself (or your Wizards-in-arms) from injury. And if you don’t like to get your hands dirty you can Summon Elementals to do your destructifying for you!"

Ethan's idea was that he wanted to create a way to play Magicka and have fun when the zombie apocalypse rolls around and there's no power. So, he scribbled out some test cards as you can see below...

Stage One

...and eventually he managed to get to this stage.

Stage Three

So, this is where they sent the idea off to Paradox to get their approval and they were rewarded with a great response where they got the green light. Well, now the card game is on Kickstarter and it deserves a look.

Will you be checking this one out?

"Ethan's idea was that he wanted to create a way to play Magicka and have fun when the zombie apocalypse rolls around and there's no power..."

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