Dwemer Might & Dragon Priests For Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms

April 16, 2021 by brennon

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New miniatures are on the way for Modiphius' The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms. One part of this Fantasy world that hasn't been addressed yet is the deep dark of the Dwemer ruins which dot the landscape of Skyrim. So, make sure you've got your weapons at the ready and take down these towering and deadly constructs.

Dwemer Centurion & Ballista - The Elder Scrolls

Dwemer Centurion & Ballista // The Elder Scrolls

One of the big sets coming your way soon will contain one of the massive Dwemer Centurions which is ready to pound you into the ground. These ancient creations were designed to protect Dwemer society from outside (and inside) threats but now they are simply an echo of the past. They are quite the different challenge in the video game and I think they'd be excellent to see in the tabletop game.

You've also got those deadly Ballista too. If you're doing a proper dungeon crawl in The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms then I could see these being a trap that you might end up triggering! Make sure to avoid those bolts!

As well as that mighty boxed set, you've also got this set for the Dwemer Spheres & Spiders.

Dwemer Spheres & Spiders - The Elder Scrolls

Dwemer Spheres & Spiders // The Elder Scrolls

Is that a little golden ball in the corner? Oh no. Oh, dear. That's got a lot of blades on it! Yep, the Spheres are another of the deadly creations that you'll find down in Dwemer ruins. If you want to give people a little shock, you've also got the Spiders which clank and crackle with energy.

These Dwemer miniatures are going to be released very soon and give you an entirely different dungeon crawling experience on the tabletop. I really like Draugr but I also like the idea of taking on these terrifying constructs.

Dungeon Monsters & Dragon Priests

As well as the Dwemer, we also have a selection of new options for pretty much every dungeon. Maybe you'll find yourself running into these Frostbite Spiders which are looking to turn you numb and chew on your bones?

Frostbite Spiders - The Elder Scrolls

Frostbite Spiders // The Elder Scrolls

These would be great options as a little spider-based surprise when you're poking around in the ruins of Skyrim. A recent release also included the addition of one of the deadly Dragon Priests who wear masks of power. They are guardians of the Word Walls and other places of power in Skyrim and could make for an excellent boss fight!

Dragon Priest & Word Wall - The Elder Scrolls

Dragon Priest & Word Wall // The Elder Scrolls

Both the Dragon Priest and the Word Wall behind it are available for you to pick up and add to your games. I think the model looks great and the Word Wall, in particular, is just what you need to make a Tamriel-themed tabletop. I think it would be cool to see people paint in some of the runes with glowing paint to match the shouts available in this game world.

Are you going to be picking up these new miniatures?

"I really like Draugr but I also like the idea of taking on these terrifying constructs..."

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