Visit An Alternative Australia With Eureka Miniatures 1930’s Range

October 6, 2017 by brennon

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You can now go and visit an Alternative Australia soon with some new models coming out from Eureka Miniatures.

Crutchy Push Gang #1

Leading the way we have the Crutchy Push Gang who are a bunch of amputees who are facing off against the state in an effort to carve out a little empire for themselves.

Crutchy Push Gang #2

The models here have been sculpted by the talented folks Alan Marsh and Paul Clarke. They look great and it's neat to see some very different looking models thrown into the mix.

Facing off against them we have these Victorian Policemen who have clubs at the ready. I'm not sure I'd feel good about beating up an amputee...

Victorian Police

Last but not least we have my favourite model from the bunch which is the Double Armed Heroine.

Double Armed Heroine

I wouldn't want to mess with a woman who dresses that sharply. She would be a fantastic gangster to throw into the mix when it comes to taking down the state.

What do you think of this alternative range?

"The models here have been sculpted by the talented folks Alan Marsh and Paul Clarke..."

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