Victrix Sneak A Peek At New 12mm WWII German Infantry

August 20, 2020 by brennon

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Victrix Limited has shown off a few more sneak peek of what's coming for their 12mm World War II collection under Victrix Games. The Late War German Infantry is on the way plus you get a peek at some of the special weapons they can bring to the fore too.

12mm Late War German Infantry #1 - Victrix

12mm Late War German Infantry // Victrix

The plan is to have the German Infantry released in the next few weeks with the British Infantry following shortly afterwards allowing you to put together a proper clash between Allies and Axis. The German Infantry pack will provide you with 184 miniatures which allows you to make a full German Infantry Company (pretty cool). You'll also have a bundle of support weapons and command figures to help lead the way and take on armour.

12mm Late War German Infantry #2 - Victrix

12mm Late War German Infantry // Victrix

In addition to these little German soldiers who are actually rather well detailed indeed, you'll also be able to pick up some US Infantry in the near future too. It seems like Victrix are very much focused on bulking out this World War II collection for now with all the key players that would have been involved during the Late War period. Maybe we'll also see them work on Soviets to offer up another option on the Eastern Front?

12mm Late War German Infantry Logo - Victrix

12mm Late War German Infantry // Victrix

As well as providing a selection of 12mm miniatures for World War II, the team at Victrix are also considering looking at other periods of history as well. I'm sure that popular eras would be the likes of the Dark Ages and Napoleonics but there might be some other avenues that they've yet to consider.

What 12mm historical period would you like Victrix to work on next?

"What 12mm historical period would you like Victrix to work on next?"

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