Scibor Begin Work On Their World War II Miniatures Line

March 15, 2013 by brennon

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Scibor are famous for creating deadly beasties, mighty Dwarves, Not-Marines and plenty of other things in-between but this is their first toe in the water when it comes to historical miniatures. Check out their two Polish Tank Commanders below...

Polish Tank Commander #1

Polish Tank Commander #2

The first stands free of the tank and is a very, very faithful representation of the historical photograph you can see attached to the image. The second is seated inside his tank and is equally as detailed.

A while back we did see Scibor take a look at a few images from Polish history, especially during the war, but we thought it an experiment that stopped at that.

Thankfully it looks like Scibor are putting their expert eye to World War II and we can't wait to see what else they come up with.

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