Pulp Figures Show Off Commemorative D-Day Soldier

May 29, 2019 by brennon

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Pulp Figures has been showing off a commemorative D-Day soldier which will be available for the 75th anniversary of this monumental moment in history.

D-Day Figure - Pulp Figures

This miniature shows off a Canadian soldier standing on Juno Beach after the battle/landing has run its course. The figure will be available with every Pulp Figures order of two packs or more and after June 6th the model will be permanently retired.

So, if you want to get your hands on this slice of miniature wargaming history you'll want to get over to their webstore and have a look at what else you might want to snag!

Do you think this model will find its way into your collection?

"...after June 6th the model will be permanently retired"

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