Peter Pig Add New 15mm Modern Characters To Their Range

June 25, 2024 by brennon

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Peter Pig Miniatures has added a new set of 15mm Modern figures to their collection for clashes on battlefields of today and recent history. The new set comes with a selection of different characters as well as those to lead your squads into battle.

Dictator - Peter Pig Miniatures

Dictator // Peter Pig Miniatures

The sets that are available include the likes of this Dictator who is clearly going to be in charge of some terrible plot that will make his people's lives hell. Maybe he could even be in the thrall of this Religious Leader who has been spouting dogma and riling up his followers.

Religious Leader - Peter Pig Miniatures

Religious Leader // Peter Pig Miniatures

This then means that you can start playing around in the sandbox of Modern conflict, perhaps with a bit of a Hollywood twist, but in 15mm scale. You might remember that not long ago, we talked about Tiger Blood by Tabletop Skirmish Games and I think that these might be a great option for playing that game but in a smaller scale.

Scarf Face - Peter Pig Miniatures

Scarf Face // Peter Pig Miniatures

There are a few more miniatures for you to consider picking up from this collection over on the Peter Pig webstore. There are plenty of characters that could either be good or bad depending on what you want to do with them.

Warlock - Peter Pig Miniatures

Warlock // Peter Pig Miniatures

Could you be tempted to dive in and pick up some of these 15mm Moderns from Peter Pig? Do you like the designs and do you already have some of this range in your collection? Drop your thoughts below and let me know.

15mm Moderns for the win?

"...we talked about Tiger Blood by Tabletop Skirmish Games and I think that these might be a great option for playing that game"

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