Dive Into A New Bolt Action Campaign With Italy: Tough Gut

June 19, 2023 by brennon

Warlord Games are now taking pre-orders for a new campaign supplement that you can use with their 28mm World War II wargame, Bolt Action. This new book continues the clash between the Allies and the Axis where the "Soft Underbelly" proved to be a "Tough Gut".

Italy Tough Gut - Bolt Action

Italy: Tough Gut // Bolt Action

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The focus here moves to the Gustav Line in 1944 and the Gothic Line in 1945. There are a number of different scenarios in the book allowing you to fight out these famous battles plus you'll also find special rules and more for those wanting to focus their games of Bolt Action.

The pre-order from Warlord Games also comes with a special miniature for Wojtek The Bear. This was a bear that was adopted by Polish soldiers in Persia. Fed on cigarettes and beer, he would march alongside the other soldiers and even wrestle with his new human friends. It was also said that Wojtek carried crates of ammunition to his comrades during the battle at Cassino and that earned him the rank of Corporal. A perfect miniature for showcasing the odd things that happened during World War II.

Axis Infantry & Artillery!

If you're looking to get some miniatures to match this new supplement, there are a couple of kits that popped up alongside the pre-order for Italy: Tough Gut. We start with the Italian Alpini Mountain Troops.

Italian Aplini Mountain Troops - Bolt Action

Italian Alpini Mountain Troops // Bolt Action

This set allows you to make thirty of the Alpini that formed the elite mountain warfare specialists of the Italian Army. They were often known as Le Penne Nere "The Black Feathers" thanks to the raven feathers that were found in their headgear.

Mussolini reorganised the Alpini according to Warlord Games and sent three divisions to fight on the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union. They were deployed poorly on the flat plains of the Don River facing down tanks. Not great for mountain-based troops. Regardless, they were tenacious and were able to escape being gunned down.

These troops then fought in Albania, France, Greece and Yugoslavia. Things got split up during the later period of the war with the 3rd Alpini Division fighting alongside the Allies and the 4th Alpini Division continuing to fight for the Germans.

You can also drop two new artillery kits into the mix with the Waffen-SS 8.8cm Flak 37...

Waffen-SS 8 8cm Flak 37 - Bolt Action

Waffen-SS 8.8cm Flak 37 // Bolt Action

...and the German Heer 8.8cm Flak 37 (Winter). This means that you can blow things up from far away in the Summer and during the Winter.

German Heer 8.8cm Flak 37 - Bolt Action

German Heer 8.8cm Flak 37 // Bolt Action

These artillery pieces were eventually developed as anti-aircraft pieces but they were also able to deal with vehicles as well. It was noted that this gun was effectively "anti-everything" which is a good thing to have in your back pocket when you're desperately fighting a war where circumstances can change in an instant.

These pre-orders are available right now and allow you to dive into fighting out more of those Late War clashes in World War II with Bolt Action.

Will you be snapping these up?

"The pre-order from Warlord Games also comes with a special miniature for Wojtek The Bear..."

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