Bad Squiddo’s Final Hours For Women Of WWII Kickstarter

December 15, 2019 by brennon

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Bad Squiddo Games has been getting stuck into the final hours for their Women Of WWII Kickstarter which focuses in on the British Home Front. A lot of goodies have been added into the mix for those wanting to play out games set during the period of perhaps even build up some diorama and such too.

Women Of WWII Main

The focus of the campaign has been on creating a range of characterful and period-appropriate female characters for you to use on the tabletop. A lot of the options have been created to help shine a bit more of a spotlight on these often-overlooked elements of World War II which were still integral in the victories in Europe and beyond. One of the key thins to take a peek at is the big list of goodies on offer to backers...


So yes, as you can see there is a lot of stuff for you to check out as part of this campaign. Their latest update also throws in a look at some of the unlocked additions to the campaign which are on the larger side. For example, here we have the AEC Matador.

AEC Matador

Beyond that, a series of new miniatures will also be finding their way into the mix including this famous option...

Princess & Queen Elizabeth

...and the inclusion of some WAF Engineers who will be keeping everything going. As you can tell, a lot of these would work alongside the range of vehicles in order to give you a nice diorama for the tabletop.

WAAF Engineers

Some slightly more quirky models got added into the mix as well, it is Bad Squiddo Games after all. Here we have Potato Pete & Dr Carrot who have appeared in miniature form to terrify the Germans into submission clearly.

Potato Pete & Dr Carrot

A selection of Add-Ons have also made it into the mix for those who want to build on the pledges that you've already got your hands on. These are nice alternative options which on the scale of a range of vehicles and terrain which can be used for a little bit of set dressing.


Sarissa Precision has also been putting in some extra goodies for you to play around with. There is quite a nice array of vehicles they've been tinkering with which are quick and easy for you to build.

Add Ons MDF Kits

Finally, we've also got a miniature which has been unlocked this weekend for the final moments of the campaign. Here we have Special Operations Executive Annie Norman (she's famous or something right?) who will add a bit of class to proceedings.

SOE Annie Norman

So, if you're interested in getting stuck into the mix as part of this campaign and getting your hands on a selection of pretty unique miniatures, you've still got a chance.

Will you be checking this out?

"...we've also got a miniature which has been unlocked this weekend for the final moments of the campaign"

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