12mm British Infantry Hit The Beach For Victrix’s WWII Range

April 7, 2020 by brennon

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Victrix Limited is building up plenty of goodies for those willing to dive into their 12mm World War II game which is in the works. The previews this week were for more of their Infantry and the British who will be facing down the Axis powers across Europe.

12mm British Infantry - Victrix

As you can see from this British selection, you get a bunch of different poses with soldiers running, firing, walking and aiming down their sights. I particularly like the soldiers lying down and getting ready to take pinpoint shots at some distant foe. It's neat that they are immediately recognisable from their helmets!

As well as a peek at more British Infantry, we also got a look at some Germans using specialist weapons for dealing with armour and the like too.

12mm German Heavy Weapons - Victrix

Here you've got a commanding figure calling his troops to fire on specific targets plus options for big ol' panzerschreck which will no doubt punch a hole in Allied armour. You've also got some troops carrying around panzerfausts as well, a cunning little option for ambushing the Allies on the move.

Have you been won over by the thought of 12mm World War II wargaming thanks to Victrix?

"Have you been won over by the thought of 12mm World War II wargaming thanks to Victrix?"

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