Knight Models Announce The Marvel Universe Miniature Game
January 28, 2016 by stvitusdancern
Knight Models is on fire, as they happily announce a new miniature game is in the works! Keep your eyes open for more information on their latest, all new miniature game - the Marvel Universe Miniature Game. This game will feature all of your favorites from the Marvel Universe.
The first release will include three faction starter sets: X-Men, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy. These sets will include everything you need to play, including a small-sized rulebook, four character cards, and four incredibly detailed white-metal miniatures representing your favorite superheroes!
Whether you are a gamer or a collector- it's time to choose sides!
Which Marvel characters are you most looking forward to playing?
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New picture of more of the minis for the game.
Nice! I’m liking Drax and the new BW sculpt!
That’s great news.
Awesome news.
This looks significantly more appropriate than the Spider-man game they were touting
This is cool, could be a good game to get people into miniatures too since Marvel is so popular these days. I’d buy a Shuma Gorath mini 😀
My bank account is so lucky that these minis are too big to fit in with the rest of my collection.
Finally!!!!! I Can’t wait.
This is awesome!!! I have always been a Marvel guy. DC is ok but I know more of the Marvel universe as I’ve followed for the last 45 years. My bank account will not like me as I’m sure these mini’s will not be cheap.
Avengers assemble! Looking forward to deadpool eventually, want to use through literary history lol.
Finally I’m going to have the GoG to play with and all the Marvel Universe stuff.
That makes a party in my pants.
Brother G
ok so is spider man game different game or was it alfa? I AM confused.
The Spiderman game used the same system as the Batman miniatures game. Two starter boxes were released for it (Superior Spiderman and the Goblin Cult), along with a few free agents like Daredevil and Punisher. There was no rule book released, but rather a free PDF supplement for Spiderman that added on top of the BMG rules. The Marvel Universe game has been described as a different system entirely, using a 2D8 system to resolve combat and other action checks. I’m interested, but also disappointed that it’s a different system. I already have BMG, Pulp City and Supersystem 4th edition… Read more »
I can understand your reservations on the idea of this splintering the market that they have with themselves.
But many people could care less for the DC universe but be all for the Marvel setting. I for one like that it seems to be open to many of the Marvel IP than just one being Batman that DC has so far.
Batman Minature Game is tapping into most of the current DC stuff but keeping away from the high-end super heroes like Superman as they won’t work in balance terms for that game.
Arrow is in there, while the newest releases included Hawkgirl and Cyborg. There will be a Lexcorp crew at some point but we don;t know what will be in it yet. The game is centered on Batman but it can and will reach beyond Gotham.
I have been scratching my head overf this since news broke yesterday (because it is kinda baffling right now) and here is where I’m at. Batman/Spiderman Minature Games use the same ruleset to the point where the differences are cosmetic and mostly boil down to new abilities coming out for SMG. SMG characters released so far are higher rep (points cost) than most of the BMG stuff but not so much more powerful that the games are not compatible (Knight have themselves said that the games are unofficially compatible). They are effectively games about the less powerful superheroes punching out… Read more »
I have lots of fun playing Pulp City with these models and been waiting for Knight Models to release more 😀 Looking forward to Gambit and Logan without the costume. With the new movies, I bet we will see new releases coming soon 🙂