Wyrd Look Ahead To The Creepy Daeva For Malifaux 3rd Edition

January 16, 2020 by brennon

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Wyrd Games are looking ahead to the future of Malifaux and a teaser for a new faction which will be coming to the 3rd Edition of the game later this year. See what you make of the creepy Daeva who were shown off this week in concept form.

Daeva Teaser - Wyrd Games

The Daeva are gloomy-looking wraiths which hang around in the shadows and already are giving us the creeps. They certainly have the air of ghosts and vampires, especially that fellow on the left who is channelling a little bit of Nosferatu.

They are going to be available as part of the Explorer's Society faction which will be new to Malifaux and give you more options when it comes to diving into the game. Watch out for more revealed at the Las Vegas Open soon.

What do you think of these creepy creatures?

"They are going to be available as part of the Explorer's Society faction..."

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