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The Basics Of Dropfleet Commander


Here Dave and Darren from Hawk Wargames take you though the basics of Dropfleet Commander with a few sample turns looking at movement, firing and some of the more technical aspects of battling on the tabletop. We'll be diving into […]

Cinematic Battles In Orbit


One of the things we've heard from all of the folks here at the Boot Camp is how cinematic the games are feeling right now with ships exploding left, right and centre, and guns blasting through armour as bits of […]

Catch Orbital Bombardment’s Battle Report – Scourge Vs UCM


If you're loving what's happening here with Dropfleet Commander then you might want to check out Orbital Bombardment and their Youtube Channel. Here we've featured their awesome Battle Report between Scourge and UCM but there's plenty more to go and […]

The PHR Hove Into View…


Admirals Diving Into Their Games


With a bit of rules chatter out of the way we're getting stuck into some proper games now as folks learn about the basic mechanics of their fleet with an introductory scenario. We'll be chatting with some of the folks […]

Dropfleet Space Station Build Part 1 – The Great Dropfleet Build Off


As well as running the Boot Camp we also took some time with Dave from Hawk Wargames to have a bit of a contest. We're getting stuck into the building of some great big Space Stations!

Dave Teaches The Basics


Dave is joined by Darren to take people through the basics of Dropfleet Commander. He'll be talking movement, shooting, as well as a few of the neat twists which make the game an exciting tabletop prospect. Standby for a full […]

Welcome To Saturday – Dropfleet Boot Camp Games Begin!


We're diving back into the Boot Camp today and exploring gameplay but before that an introduction to what's going to be happening today! Big thanks to Deep-Cut Studio, Dark Ops, Army Painter and of course Hawk Wargames! Join us as […]

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