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Essen SPIEL '17 Live Blog - Sunday

Welcome To Day Four Of Essen SPIEL ’17

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Welcome To Day Four Of Essen SPIEL '17

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It's time for us to welcome you to our home at Essen SPIEL '17 which has been the Mythic Games stand. These folks have been amazing and been flat out with demos of Time Of Legends: Joan Of Arc and Mythic Battles: Pantheon every day.

Make sure to follow along for all manner of epic board game coverage over the next few hours.

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Enzo Maini Recent comment authors
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Awesome! I agree, come on, lets get to 10K backers LOL! I hope Leo shows the diorama in a future video. That looked really good and I know there are those on the KS forums already talking about build similar diorama.

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