The Walking Dead Boot Camp - Saturday

Warren Gets A Game In
Warren has been able to get in a game and it's a proper three way...yes, we know...
Find out how things have been panning out and we'll see if we can catch up later!
Warren has been able to get in a game and it's a proper three way...yes, we know...
Find out how things have been panning out and we'll see if we can catch up later!
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Rural America with no piles of hay to fall onto? Rick was cheated! 😀
AShield Warren just one Shield and it was done ….so what happen the god dice as let you down ?? lol was nice to see him splat on the ground thow
no laser to power them
What an awesome idea with the pylon
Wow. Can you play the game with more than two sides??
Trust Warren to get into a three way in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.. let’s hope he’s not using the White Lion technique on those zombies
It looks very cinematic which l really like in a game
Now that i’ve had a look at the minis – not bad. The 4Ground stuff is amazing. All the scatter stuff inside is an excellent touch.
Warren is so excited. He is like a child on xmas,hehe.
Loving the house rule addition. Makes games more fun and shows that the rules are flexible too. Awesome guys
Warren is having a ball, just like a kid in a candy store
Rolling that on camera does put the pressure on the dice.
Trust Warren to get involved in a three way, lol
3 way house ruling already? Well Warren is playing.
Way am I not surprised to see Warren making house rules already.
Oh dear Rick
Is this an adult parody version of the game?! XXX The Walking Dead?! 🙂
this game is nuts
Warren needs the laser charged dice
just catching up on the last few hours. some amazing games on the go – ad hoc scenario in the mall, 500 pointer teamgame, and multiplayer 3way. great to see that the system is so versatile
Ah Warren, classic start with a double entendre. Spectacular fail on the zip line @warzan but as people are commenting it is that kind of cinematic action and freedom within the game world to ‘give it a go’ that makes it all the more appealing and fun looking.
Surly Rick should have made noise as he landed on his ass? Still though, I love introducing rules on the fly. I’m looking forward to using my Apocalypse terrain from battlesystems as many of the pieces include doors, windows and added barricades pieces/scatter. I like the idea of barricading a building if the heat gets too much on the street and costing an action to do so.
look at his little face when you mentioned a three way lol
Did Warren try to use his Were-shark in this game? 😉
Sneaky with a sledge hammer.. I like it!