Flames Of War D-Day Boot Camp: Saturday
The Germans Show Off Their Gear
Lewis has brought in some German reinforcements to talk about their gear.
The guys go in depth from head to toe on the equipment their wearing. Carl is from the 21st Panzer Division in the Normandy Campaign and Nelson is in Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6 from the Battle of Carentan.
Google appears to have sanitised that translation. I did german at school many many many years ago and remember the interesting half of that word and google isn’t saying that.
That’s cool too see the actors with their gear. You get a good look of what the Germans used instead of looking and guessing at old photos.
Is it true the pea dot pattern camo was never produced on the helmuts and if so what pattern was used to go with the pea dot uniform on say grenadiers or ss that wore them ?
as far as I’m aware yes peadot never made it to soft covers, the ones I am aware of are the oakleaves (summer and autumn), planetree variations, and the palmtree patterns. Splinter was common as well, not sure how much it was used by the SS though
Weird, I don’t see anyone there except the guy with a mic, talking to shrubbery…
very interesting, looking forward to some more of this
more nice kit great stuff
Reminds me of the old Beasts of War videos where Dave would dress up in full gear….good stuff
Huh, I didn’t know Germans used rifle grenades as well.
Really have to applaud those guys for the level of detail of their uniforms. Very cool. Well done!
I Love the historical chat with the guy’s in uniform.
it is always pleasant if you know more about what you are playing.
great history lesson.
thank you more of that please.
I am curious what the American side has to say.???
the germans did have some nice kit
Looking great!
The word that you are looking for
shooting cup in german Schießbecher
Translation: “Shooting cup”. Which was the official name.
“Scheiss becher” on the other hand, means something entirely different…
The phrase “two girls, one scheiss becher” springs to mind…
Ok, this got me.
In German it would be Schüss Becher
Great information and great to see the variety of German camo pattern uniforms. As far as the name of the rifle grenade goes I presume (as a native German speaker)the word is actually “Schießbecher” which correctly translated just means “shooting cup”…one might easily get mixed up with the “ie” being pronounced “i” in English (what the would get us into a whole other direction) but really must be spoken as plain “e” as in “evil” for instance…so no “sh**cup”;-)
We’ve read a few excerpts from books that have the veterans referring to it as both those names.
I mean.. technically a rifle grenade is the later, right? 😛
Nice insight on that. Well the veterans should know best what their equipment was like…shooty or rather sh*tty;-)
Cool stuff. MORE MORE MORE
love the video guys very interesting.
Nice work with the uniform displays. Thanks to the reinforcements for showing off their gear.
I wonder how long it took them to gather all the right equipment. Their very
Specific about regiments.
I didn’t know anything about rifle grenades, that was very interesting.
Thank you for this 2nd detailed look on the uniforms.
First time of heard of that anti small.tank grenade.
Jolly interesting.
Informative and interesting to look at.
Great information. Thanks again.