AdeptiCon 2016 Live Blog - Part Three
Space Hulk!
I found a massive game of Space Hulk in the hallway upstairs. It was great listening to the talk of strategy and the players addressing each other as Commander and Officer seeking report on the damage and amunition remaining.
This sounds like fun. I can’t understand why GW produces so few units of the game.
Yeah no joke. Why not support it further? Continue the story with addons, new units and all the rest.
Gives it to the players, this way, I s’pose
Impressive setup!
Wow, might take a few turns to find each other in that setup.
I like that! I promised myself I’d never buy anymore GW stuff, but if I can get Space Hulk again and do a big layout, that might make me do it!
Great gaming board.
That’s a great looking setup with plenty of atmosphere, who makes the terrain ?
3D Space Hulk!… multi-level 3D Space Hulk!!… Want!!!