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Dropzone Commander Boot Camp Day 3

Scourge vs PHR Turn 5

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Scourge vs PHR Turn 5


James managed to snag back the initiative, but his force was in a bad way, with most of their fire power too far away to prove effective. He kicked things off with his infantry, which managed to score one DP on one of Dave’s dropships. Dave also started with his infantry, managing to find the objective in both the buildings they were occupying and running them into their transports. Unfortunately his infantry dropship was also down, meaning he had to rely on their ground transports to get the objectives off the board. Still, James managed to take down another one of Dave’s dropships with his infantry, while one of his own dropships managed to inflict a DP on one of Dave’s vital objective carrying transports, before he went on to crush more of Dave’s infantry with falling masonry.

Scourge vs PHR Turn 5

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cypher4242Andres Perez Camarasa Recent comment authors
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A lot of damage and casualties in this match, very brutal. But as I said early, Scourge can take out the objectives by land with not much effort.


I think for me both Scourge and Shaltari are very interesting as they both have a particular flavour which doesn’t make them the most straightforward to play but I think makes victory with them more satisfying.

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