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Dropzone Commander Boot Camp Day 3

Scourge vs PHR Turn 4

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Scourge vs PHR Turn 4

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For once, Dave managed to take the initiative. At this point things were looking very good for the Scourge. Dave had managed to get rid of a lot of the PHR’s transport, making it impossible for him to take any objectives off the field, while his tanks had been transported to the other side of the table, supporting the Scourge infantry and pretty much rendering the PHR anti-tanks useless. The close combat went well for the Scourge too, wiping out the PHR. Still, the PHR infantry did find an objective in the other building, letting them claw themselves a point as long as they were able to keep Dave’s hands off of it and if they could survive the falling masonry.

Scourge vs PHR Turn 4

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Andres Perez Camarasa Recent comment authors
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Destroying the enemy’s dropship is always great, and it counts double against PHR. Scourge in the other hand don’t have that problem, because their APC’s can move up to 9″ if I recall correctly, and given a few turns can disappear with the objetive pretty easily.

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