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Salute 2024 Live Blog!

Salute 2024 Live Blog!

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Salute Painting Competition - Judging Begins!


Thanks to the sterling effort of the South London Warlord’s volunteers, they’ve managed to clear the queue before closing to entries at 12 noon.

Judging is now underway, with….

Across the Categories;

1 Historical Single Figure

Infantry or Cavalry, up to and including 54mm

2 Historical Unit

Infantry or Cavalry, 3 to 40 figures, up to and including 54mm

3 Historical Unit (Other)

Up to 5 figures or models (artillery, elephants, boats etc), up to and including 54mm

4 Sci-Fi Single Figure

Up to including 54mm

5 Sci-Fi Unit

3 to 40 figures, up to and including 54mm

6 Sci-Fi Creature or Vehicle

Up to 5 figures or models (artillery, elephants, boats etc), any size

7 Fantasy Single Figure

Up to including 54mm

8 Fantasy Unit

3 to 40 figures, up to and including 54mm

9 Fantasy Creature or Vehicle

Up to 5 figures or models (artillery, elephants, boats etc), any size

10 Large Scale

Single figures or units over 54mm, up to 90mm, busts up to 165mm

11 Miscellaneous

Any figure or unit not covered by categories 1-10, including dioramas or duels

12 Junior

Any figure or unit not covered by categories 1-11, entered by a person 16 or under

13 Salute 50 Figure

Short-listing photo’s en-route…

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zorgorlandothetechnicoloured Recent comment authors
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start the drum roll

Cult of Games Member

Good luck folk’s

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