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The Holy Wars: Age Of Sigmar Tournament Live Blog

Prize Support!

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Prize Support!


Dawn gets a quick chat with Dan from Draxtar Games who has kindly donated an Age of Sigmar Starter Set for one lucky viewer to win!

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Carl Woodrowicewolff Recent comment authors
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Not the biggest AOS fan ( realy like to play with big armies 8th 6000 points), but still will give it a try if i win the prize.

I like the models that GW produce, not a big fan of rulessystem and the prizes of plastics.

Further more, the trick the try to play at GW “rules are free”, but we bring out every month a campaignbook for 50 euro, you do not need them, but the games becomes fun with it,!! i realy do not like.


I’ve probably gone the other way personally. Following this coverage has actually really warmed me to Age of Sigmar and I was never a fan of Warhammer previously. The amount of creativity that’s gone into the organisation of this, the terrain, the tables and the personalisation of the armies from the competitors has turned my view of AoS completely around. As a result I’ve spent the weekend watching a few demo games, digging out some very old unpainted Beastmen from the dustier corner of workshop bits boxes and poring over the free warscrolls on the GW site to see if… Read more »

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