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P-VLOG: Ersatz Panther - From Parts To Painted

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Painting Part 4 - Adding Transfers


It's time to have some fun with transfers where we make it look like a US tank just like the Germans did! This was an ingenious tactic that certainly helped them when they were searching for ways to outfox the allies.

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Cult of Games Member

A lot more easier than the way i`ve done it in the past, will be giving it a go.

Cult of Games Member

could a small spray bottle or dropper of water be used on a transfer? Leave it on the table and spray it?

Also shouldn’t you be thrilled Justin ain’t talking? 🙂

Cult of Games Member

Okay, so does the decalfix make the transfer easier to go on . . . or actually help the decal stick to the model? Both? I’ve had trouble with decals / transfers coming up even 2-3 days later when the model is handled on the gaming table. Is this the kind of thing decalfix helps with? Honestly never heard of this kind of product. In any event, when I’m doing either white or red stars for American or Soviet vehicles, my biggest challenge is always getting the stars to “stand up straight.” We want STARS … no PENTAGRAMS! This isn’t… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

you bet me to it @oriskany

@johnlyons is this easier than water and just varnishing the model afterwards?

Cult of Games Member

@oriskany vallejo make a 2 part system, decal fix and decal medium, decal medium is a gloss varnish/surface cleaner which you prep the surface with (and does work well in my experience) which helps stop getting bubbles and water marks around the decal, once you have aplied the decal, you brush on some decal fix which softens the decal and sort of melts the backing away leaving only the transfer, which makes a huge difference to its appearance as @johnlyons said makes it look like its been painted on not stuck on. vallejo have a tutorial on there decal system… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Forgot to say vallejo decal fix is amazing stuff if you apply a decal over a panel line, as the decal melts into the surface detail, i.e. on an aircraft wing if you have a decal over a flap, it conforms to the underlying contours and lines etc.

Microset and sol work well as well, but are more expensive and harder to get in the UK, and the humbrol stuff will do in a pinch but really the vallejo stuff is my go to decal solvents.

Cult of Games Member

This definitely sounds great. I usually build smaller miniatures than this, but even on mine . . . the tell-tale “glossy” look of decals / transfers can be annoying, especially when you’re trying to photograph them on the table.

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