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Essen SPIEL '17 Live Blog - Sunday

Omiga: The One Minute Game By Dionysos Essen SPIEL ’17

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Omiga: The One Minute Game By Dionysos Essen SPIEL '17


Omiga: The One Minute Game is a fantastic looking game that you can get stuck into with friends on a pub table, at a coffee shop or indeed wherever you fancy.

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This game is quick as lightning and maybe we need to play a few more times to make sure that we get the tactics down. It's awesome just how quickly you can get a chain of plays together.

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Cult of Games Member

This looks like a lot of fun.

@Az, can you please try to find out if it has to be ordered direct from Germany? Thanks.

Cult of Games Member

Actually, I found that I can order it through Kickstarter. Shipping was very reasonable! My wife and daughter will love playing this!

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