Dropzone Commander Invasion BoW Team Live Blog
Last game
Last game against David Bonner were also a draw - David rocked a rather untraditional Shaltari build with 4 Samurais and 12 Rohin - no pictures from the game I fear - so here is one of an excel spreadsheet and a few other things like Hawk Dave holding court .
The Dutch team came up with the brilliant idea to have everyone sign a canvas for the Hawkwargames team
And @commodorerob playing his last game of the weekend.
The overall winner were from team Germany Leopold/Lorn
I was @commodorerob‘s last opponent and it was Resistance vs. Resistance. We actually had similar lists except that I was allied (with the Warlord Retinue, plus 2 Zhukov’s and a Drill) whereas Rob is Feral (with Cyclones and a Barrel Bomber). It was a very close game in the end with me sneaking the only actual VP’s by managing to run my one objective off the board in their Battle Bus. Rob was attempting the exact same thing with his home Objective, I’d managed to get my Freeriders out of the Drill behind his objective and we BOTH basically spent… Read more »
Enjoyed following. Not a player, but the local dealer has a big box in the window.
It is a great game and the starter box is one of the best out there, enough to get many hours of fun