Salute 2016 Live Blog

What's Been Happening with Battle Systems?
Come and find out what's been going on with Battle Systems.
These are the folks behind the amazing Sci-Fi terrain AND the awesome Fantasy Dungeon!
Come and find out what's been going on with Battle Systems.
These are the folks behind the amazing Sci-Fi terrain AND the awesome Fantasy Dungeon!
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Mighty Pig-Faced Orcs Get Reinforcements From Warp
Automatons Clank Into The World Of Stargrave Soon With New Kit!
New Fantasy Elf Warriors & Lords From Bronze Age Miniatures
Embrace Your Inner Beastmaster With Crooked Dice’s New Miniatures
Mace Face Miniatures Showcase New 15mm Savage Tribes
Elven Champions Join North Star’s Oathmark Range Soon
Grab More Weird Conversion Bitz From Wargames Atlantic
Face A Duergar Cult With New Epic Encounters RPG Sets
Murder Fish Gnomes Swarm AdeptiCon For Conquest!
New Famous Gunslingers Head To Dead Man’s Hand
Gripping Beast Bring Indian Armies To SAGA: Age Of Alexander
Brother Vinni Preview New 28mm Varangian Mercenaries
Add Knuckleduster’s Wild West Bystanders To Gunfighter’s Ball
North Star Preview Their New Hairfoot Jousting Halfling Riders
Slave 2 Gaming Gear Up New Maschinen Krieger Mechs In 15mm
Prince Imhrail Heralds Armies Of Middle-earth Rules Soon
Join The Plains War With Brigade Games’ New Apache Warriors
Victoria Miniatures Prepare Space Aussies II Kickstarter!
Mantic Drop Teaser Trailer For New Game, Kings Of War Champions
Mighty Heroes Support The First Factions Of Corvus Belli’s Warcrow
Hex-Tile Terrain For RPGs & More Hits Kickstarter With Lorescape!
New Cygnar Gravediggers Stake Their Claim In Warmachine!
Hire Some Corporate Muscle For Cyberpunk RED: Combat Zone
The Syenann Burst From The Woods For Corvus Belli’s Warcrow
Pledge Yourself To The Imperial Service In Infinity Soon!
Send In The SAS With Spectre Miniatures New Releases
New 6mm Late Napoleonic Kickstarter From Turner Miniatures
Crooked Dice Summon A Demonic Fiend In Time For Salute
Grab The New Core Rulebook For Modiphius’ Fallout: Factions
Unreleased’s Rusogrod Garrison Grows With New Miniatures
Painting in Tabletop Gaming
COG – Trading Bazaar
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions
3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming
COG – Trading Bazaar
COG – Trading Bazaar
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
News, Rumours & General Discussion
Copyright © 2025 Beasts of War Ltd.
All trademarks and images are copyright of their respective owners.
Great terrain by great guys.
Unfortunatly, I’ve missed their last KS. The Shanty Town Terrain will be excellent for my Infinty games. I can’t wait to place an order…
Ditto, I pledged within 10 minutes of the kickstarter going live then the car broke down 2 days before it ended. I was so gutted.
Oh man…. that’s just not fair
Not at all wishing to gloat – hope the car is now ok @biscuit – I went in on the KS and can’t wait to try out my terrain with Mercs and Project Z.
great looking terrain
backed their latest kickstarter. amazing terrain and amazing guys. can’t wait to see what they’ve lined up next.
omg not sure which I’d want more, the sci fi or dungeon. Yep, Dungeon, but I have to get both now
Great stuff guy»’s but what’s commin??
Awesome terrain from these guys and if i ever get the dungeon set im so gonna overuse it with D&D and mantic stuff 😛
These guys deserve all the press they can get! You’d think that card terrain is a thing of the past but these guys make it look so good on the table! Well worth the money!
What material is that off? Never seen it before, but it looks great! 🙂
Have the dungeon terrain to build when I get home over the summer. Can’t wait to get it all out!
So looking forward to my shanty town!
The urban set is high on the list. I didn’t back the KS but you guys like retail sales, right? 🙂
Love the stuff but I still have my sci fi stuff barely touched. I have had to make adjustmdnts on every connection point on the sheets I have tried so far and its rough on the hands to make that many cuts. One of these days i1will get back to it
I would love to use those portals they had for the dungeon as an excuse to combine all three of their terrains to make some kind of space time rip board.
Secret project? Can’t wait to find out more!
When I have time, space and money I will have Battlesystems scenery!
Got the Sci Fi and Fantasy dungeon sets and looking forward to my Urban kit coming soon. Keep it coming guys you do great work 🙂
gotta figure out how to use these sets
I still have to build my dungeon, but It seems I dont have the delicate touch and wreck things. Mostly I just dont have the space to set it up at the moment. But thats ok, I am still working on my minis so still have plenty of time before I need it set up.
Great terrain, yet to own any. I did get to play on the SCI – FI set a few months back, had a great game of Judge Dredd. The weekend was a blast with some very good friends, where doing a “Warzone” weekend in a few weeks and from what i`ve seen of the terrain it`s gonna be epic.
Excellent terrain!!
yeah great stuff, can’t wait for my kickstarter stuff.
Always wanted to collect some of this. Looking at the dungeon sets. The scifi looks great still, too.