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Essen SPIEL ’17 Live Blog – Thursday

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Saying Goodbye From Day One Of Essen SPIEL ’17


Hope you enjoyed checking out the videos from today at Essen SPIEL '17 as well as all the photo galleries we put together showing off the other games that caught our eye.

Check Out Our BoW Board Game Geek Videos

Keep an eye out for more tomorrow and across the weekend throughout Saturday and Sunday.

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Jeroen AartsChristopher Ramsay Recent comment authors
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Justin was not calm – he was in a daze from all the SHINY. Show us more of JoA! Say hi to The Devil and The Dragon (sounds like the name of a pub)

Cult of Games Member

It was nice to see you guys for a couple of minutes yesterday. Hope you have lots of fun.
Don’t forget to check out the Batman boardgame at the Monolith-stand. Played a demo-game and I’m totaly sold, so I know where my money is going in February when te Kickstarter goes live.

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