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UK Games Expo 2019: Friday Live Blog

UK Games Expo 2019: Friday Live Blog

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Geek Natives Review UKGE Launch Of Thing From The Flood RPG And Alien RPG


Swedish RPG superstar publishers are using UKGE to officially launch the Things from the Flood RPG.

If you’re a Kickstarter backer, like this blogger, you’ll have had your copies in either crisp PDF or glorious hardback for a while now, but from today onwards other people can buy their own.

Things from the Flood is the sequel to the hugely popular Tales from the Loop RPG. Not heard of Loop? Think Stranger Things with household mecha. In fact, the original artbook which inspired the game may well have been an inspiration to Netflix’s hit show as well.

CHECK OUT ‘Things from theFlood’ RPG HERE

Geek Natives Review UKGE Launch Of Thing From The Flood RPG And Alien RPG

Free League are on a wave right now and their latest game license might just eclipse everything that’s come before. They’ve the Alien RPG license. Yes, that Alien. The xenomorph. The RPG, on pre-order now, has two ways to play; cinematic (you’re all going to die) and campaign (you’ll live long enough to level a character).

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laughingboyzorgredsargeorlandothetechnicoloured Recent comment authors
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that sounds pretty cool for the background even if i don’t have any chance of playing


You have my interest!

Cult of Games Member

this looks good.

Cult of Games Member

gahhh I so wanted to pick up the first book but it is very early in my RPG days so let’s walk before I run… but I love the theme, look and feel of this series.

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