Fabled Realms Beta Weekend - Saturday
First Fabled Realms Game With Kerry!
Kerry is playing his first Fabled Realms game with his partner, delving into the mechanics of the game on the awesome summer side of the table and possibly my second favourite table, the one with the Witch's Hut up in the mountains.
Have you played around with the rules and if so how are you finding your first games?
This game is really nicely fleshed out- the art style, model aesthetics and terrain tie together well. I’m looking forward to the general release- 8 Fold Path versus Drughoi Covens all the way.
I also look forward to playing the legacy system.
Nice review of the game.
Nice recap and feedback.
I’m getting the impression that range is a bit too powerful even with the extra cost. Granted it was powerful and is in most RPG’s and fantasy games.
Maybe add in Tower Shields that warbands can pick up. Add’s better defense against range but weaker against melee. This could help out those forces that have a hard time overcoming range combat.
Great point on the water. Looking forward to the rule update.
We were discussing this on twitch, that the rules around terrain seem a little thin. ie shooting from height etc.
Good to know what I will have to look out for.
Yeah, the movement rules in the PDF are a little vague. I still have a question about how hight differences are handled with distance weapons, movement through dense terrain v. swamp v. river v. cliff edge movement. I saw a rule for climbing, but only about speed, no checks or limits to what can and can’t be climbed and penalties for failure.
If they, and it sounds like when, they do add in a bit more detail. I would prefer it to be on the easier side of calculating. Just add a modifier for swimming or climbing a tree or a wall with no ladder. Maybe add a quick check to see if they don’t take a bit of damage if they start drowning or fall.
Again, don’t want to get too crazy as it should be a quick fairly universal check so the game play isn’t interrupted.
We’ve decided here to build out little warbands today rather than play the game. We’ve been going through the warband creating bits in the rulebook and it seems really simple and easy to pick up so far skimming the rules they seem ok, we’ll have our first game tomorrow I think.
Still seems quite complicated, but I like the idea of reactive mechanism
I’ve read the beta rules quickly and watched bunch of videos on BoW. It’s not the simplest system and at least for me would require several games to get the idea. Once I get some minies together I’ll try out a solo game to get some grip with the machanics.
Ranged combat, especially in a aro/momentum game can be quite devastating. In Infinity I think models can take a special action to move from one cover to another without evoking an ARO.
My lessons from frostgrave to curb the power level of ranged weapons//spells is to have a lot of LoS blocking scenary and intervening terrain.
I hadn’t noticed that forest area yet. It seems great for creating narrative situations.
Good to hear the game is pretty inuitif to learn.
i do so hope he opens to slacker backers
I always lose to my partner too….obviously because chivalry runs strongly in our house and not because she’s shit hot at every game we play
Loving the coverage.
I’m looking forward to giving this game a go.
Sounds like everyone is enjoying it so far certainly, I do think the tables would make any game feel more theatrical. Let’s see what it is like when us mear mortals get our hands on it.
Aweomes to finally see it in action.
like his T shirt
good to know sell swords have morale issues.
not quite sure what to think of his rick and morty shirt
The reaction system is what intrigues me the most. I think “everyone always playing” is the way of the future in wargaming.
Nice to hear people’s feelings on the system. Looking forward to trying it out
Lovely looking table! glad they enjoyed themselves.